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Tips to Make Thick Curd from Toned Milk

Curd has been an essential component of Indian cuisine known for its creaminess and lip-smacking taste. Starting from popular dishes like raita and dahi kebab to the famous dahi puri, curd has always been a staple food for Indians. If you`re someone who not only enjoys eating curd but also wants to try making it at home, you may face the challenge of achieving the correct thickness. Many of us still can’t get the thickness right despite following every step carefully. Don’t worry, we have compiled a list of well-researched tips to help you achieve thicker curd at home in less time.

  • Stir It Well

There`s a surprising connection between making thick curd and stirring. It may sound strange, but it`s true! If you talk to a chef who knows their stuff, they can explain how important stirring is when it comes to making curd. There are different methods for making curd, like whisking, foaming, and scrubbing, but the first thing you need to do is mix the milk and curd culture together. This is important because it helps the milk and curd starter combine fully, which leads to a thicker and richer curd.

  • Use Full Cream Milk

Did you know that curd is made by increasing the acidic substance in milk? This leads to the formation of protein masses, which turn into the curd we all love to eat! Rich, full cream milk is considered best for making curd because of its high fat content. It results in a thicker, creamier texture often preferred by many people. Additionally, the fat in full cream milk can help create more flavour with a smooth, velvety texture. So, next time you want to make some delicious curd at home, make use of Godrej Jersey Rich Full Cream Milk to get the best results!

  • Warm Environment

In school, we learned that Lactobacillus is the bacteria that helps turn milk into curd. But did you know that this bacteria needs specific conditions to work effectively? One of the most important is a warm environment. When the environment is warm, the Lactobacillus bacteria can work faster and multiply more quickly. That`s why it takes longer to set curd in the winter. To speed up the process, place the milk in a casserole or add some green chilli to it. This will help create a warmer environment, which can lead to faster curd setting.

  • Leave It Alone

Once you`ve mixed the curd properly using the best quality milk, it`s time to let it sit for a while. Now, you may wonder why? Let us explain! Setting curd is a slow process where bacteria need time to multiply and form protein puddles. To do this effectively and efficiently, they need a constant temperature. If you keep checking the milk, it can delay the time and even the quality of the final product. That`s why it`s best to let the bacteria work in isolation without any disturbance.

  • Lukewarm Milk

You might have come across this tip many times. They say lukewarm milk is best for setting curd, but what exactly is lukewarm milk? Lukewarm in the general sense is the condition when you can feel the warmth but not burn. In technical terms, it's the range of 37° C to 45° C. Milk in this temperature range, provides the best environment for bacteria to breed.

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